Today is Thursday, December 31st, 2020; Karen's Korner #4374


“He Himself is Our Peace.”

~ Ephesians 2:14


“On New Year’s Eve, when high-powered fireworks detonate across cities and towns worldwide, the noise is loud on purpose. By their nature, say manufacturers, flashy fireworks are meant to split the atmosphere, literally. ‘Repeater’ blasts can sound the loudest, especially when exploded near the ground.

“Troubles, too, can boom through our hearts, minds, and homes. The ‘fireworks’ of life—family struggles, relationship problems, work challenges, financial strain, even church division—can feel like explosions, rattling our emotional atmosphere.

“Yet we know the One who lifts us over this uproar. Christ Himself ‘is our peace,’ Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:14. When we abide in His presence, His peace is greater than any disruption, quieting the noise of any worry, hurt, or disunity.

“This would have been powerful assurance to Jews and Gentiles alike. They’d once lived ‘without hope and without God in the world’ (v. 12). Now they faced threats of persecution and internal threats of division. But in Christ, they’d been brought near to Him, and consequently to each other, by His blood. ‘For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility’ (v. 14).

“As we start a new year, with threats of unrest and division ever rumbling on the horizon, let’s turn from life’s noisy trials to seek our ever-present Peace. He quiets the booms, healing us.”

By Patricia Raybon

