Today is Thursday, February 4th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4389
Surely Goodness and Mercy
By Max Lucado
"If the Lord is the shepherd who leads the flock, goodness and mercy are the two sheepdogs that guard the rear of the flock. Psalm 23:6 says, 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…' Goodness and mercy. Not goodness alone, for we are sinners in need of mercy. Not mercy alone, for we are fragile, in need of goodness. We need them both. Goodness and mercy. If that duo doesn’t reinforce your faith, try this phrase: 'all the days of my life.'
"What a huge statement. Goodness and mercy follow the child of God each and every day. Think of the days that lie ahead. What do you see? God will be at your side. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me—not some, not most, not nearly all—but all the days of my life."