Today is Thursday, February 11th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4394
This is a good day to CELEBRATE!
Celebrate our relationship to Jesus. "I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus!" Whether I feel like it, act like it, or not!
"My heart, body and soul are filled with JOY!" the Bible says.
God has given us so much 'stuff': His love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, mercy, grace. The list is long!
I like Psalm 23:1. Our most familiar one is "The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want." But we sometimes want a bunch of stuff we don't have; may never will! My Life Application Bible says, "Because the Lord is My Shepherd, I have everything I need!" Might be a big difference.
So what I a favorite Bible verse of yours? Want to share it?? And I will share it with Karen's Korner readers.