Today is Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4473
Glad to be back home after a few days away. My oldest grandson Luke and I flew to Seattle to see my sister, Jill, and her daughter's family.
Jill's older granddaughter Raegan is 3 1/2 years old and attended pre-school a couple of mornings each week this past school year.
As the class neared Fathers' Day, each student was pictured holding a note that said, "I love my dad because......".
Students were then asked why they loved their dads. Answers included such things as 'because he takes me to the park'; or 'because he buys me ice cream'.
Not Raegan, "I love my dad because my dad loves me!" Teachers said they rarely hear that response from their pre-school students.
Raegan knows her dad loves her because he tells her that often!
I got started thinking about us 'older students': 'I love God because.......'.He healed me'; 'He helped me find a job'; 'He restored our broken relationship'.
Or do we think/know that, like Raegan, "I love God because He loves me!" Regardless of what He may or may not do for us.
How do we know that He loves us? Like Raegan, because He tells us over and over again in the Bible. Really the Bible is a book of 'love' Restoration, hope, and help. All over the place!
Here is one: "See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children---think of it---and we really are!": (I John3:1a)
Thank, you. God, that we love You because You love us!