Today is Monday, June 28th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4476
One more 'Raegan story' leftover from our recent trip to Washington, where the family lives. I asked my sister Jill to write it:
"My three and a half year old granddaughter, Raegan, just finished a school year of two mornings a week preschool at the church they attend. Her teacher relayed this story to my daughter.
"The church has a two-story play structure that is enclosed, much like those you'd see at McDonald's. Raegan has played on this structure after Sunday School beginning at age two. Fearless.
"But a few other children were fearful. One of them, Ariana, climbed to the second level and froze. The teachers knew they couldn't climb up, so one of them suggested to Raegan that she climb up and help Ariana get down. So up she went, and took Ariana by the hand and brought her down to the entrance of the play structure.
"When my daughter asked Raegan if she helped Ariana, she answered 'Yes, Mommy, I helped her. She was scared.'
"And after thinking a minute, she added 'I am a superhero!'"
So today if you have the opportunity, be a 'superhero' like little Raegan! When someone needs a listening ear. When you have a thought to make a phone call to someone who comes to the front of your mind. Or you have a chance to give money to a needy cause or person!
We are designed to be 'superheroes' in God's army of believers! Ask God to help remind us of some of the things we may do without thinking. He might want us to remember!
Let's begin!!