Today is Wednesday, September 1st, 2021; Karen's Korner #4518

I received a couple of emails requesting that this be a day of national prayer for our nation and our world, as many things have changed in Afghanistan with the withdrawal of U.S. troops from there.

Lord, we pray today for our country and all countries from around the world. We pray specifically for Afghanistan and its people. Protect them. Protect us.

Bless those who are in harm's way. For those who are wanting to leave Afghanistan and can't. Help them to find their way to freedom. Protect those who are helping them. We pray for our military wherever they are serving and for their families.

We pray for leaders in our country and in every country, that they might look to You as their source of guidance and direction.

We know how much You love and care for all people. We ask for your protection of all those who are Your followers, Christians. Not only now but every day. Lead us and guide us. Remind us of Your Love, Your Peace, Your Power. Your protection.

Help us to believe You and trust You.

And we say 'thank You.' Amen.

