Today is Tuesday, September 21st, 2021; Karen's Korner #4532

For the past few years, I plant some 'hilled' vegetables on an old concrete pad at my farm home. Because the pad has cracks, seeds can be planted in them. Three hills each of cantaloupe, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, and watermelon. If weeds can grow in them, so can what is planted!

They each came up like normal. But because of the dry, hot weather, everything matured faster than normal. 

I had a handful of pumpkins that turned orange too soon. The vines died pretty early too. So I picked them. Much lighter weight than I thought they should be.

A single vine sprung up the burn pile behind my house. I had no idea what it was nor what would happen to it as the summer wore on, as it twined itself around the livestock panels which circle the burn area.

As time progressed, a single pumpkin grew and produced one pumpkin. It is turning orange now; the vine remains green. I haven't picked it yet but it is much heavier than the 'planted' ones. It is looking good!

I like to compare its growth to our lives. Some of us were 'planted and grew' in tended gardens. Others of us, maybe not. But we can grow and produce good fruit in spite of our beginnings. Maybe because of any adversity!

God is in charge! And our 'fruit' can be harvested and enjoyed! Praise Him!!

" Bless the Lord, the God of Israel,
who exists from everlasting ages past -
and on into everlasting eternity ahead.
Amen, and amen!

~ Psalm 41::13 LAB

