COVID has had a way to divide us on how we think about it. And what we do to control it. We all know that if we get it, it can have devastating effects.
Do we take the shot to help control it? Or not? Even doctors disagree on who should or should not take the shot. Some say if someone has had the virus, there is enough antibodies so that a shot is not necessary.
Now we are terminating people from where they work if they have chosen not to take the shot. Regardless of his/her health, previous encounters with COVID, or personal beliefs.
Not sure that those decisions are helping our divisions any.
Like everything we need to pray about what is happening to us. As many to most of us have done in the past and are doing.
Dear Heavenly Father, like everything in our lives, we need Your help and guidance. Give us Your direction, Your love, and Your care. We seek to do Your will for our lives. We seek Your grace and mercy for those who think and believe differently than we do. Help us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. We want to learn from one another. And from You. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.