Today is Wednesday, October 27th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4558

Believe or Perish

By Anne Graham Lotz

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."

~ John 3:17 NIV


”Do you know someone who maintains that a loving God would never send anyone to hell? That a loving God will let everyone into heaven? Ask Noah! He was there when God shut the door of the ark. And although technically God doesn’t send anyone to hell, you and I are condemned to go there if we refuse to enter through the ‘door’ of the Cross into the safety of the ‘ark’, which is Christ.

“God didn’t want anyone to perish. He wanted all to repent of their sins and rebellion and enter into the safety of the ark. But the people refused. :The God Who saved Noah from His judgment by providing an ark is the same God Who so loved the world that He sent His only Son as an Ark-a hiding place from the storm of God’s wrath. Whosoever believes in Jesus as God’s gracious provision for salvation will: not perish or come under God’s judgment but will be saved and receive eternal life. But you have to believe or you will perish.”

