Today is Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4561

As we move away from Halloween 2021, this is a short memory which I recently submitted to OUR IOWA magazine.

Will they print it in an upcoming magazine in 2022? Who knows? Hope you enjoy it!

In the late 50s and early 60s, kids in Fertile (pop. some under 400 at that time) would have such a good time on Halloween night. After organized ‘tricks and treats’, the older kids would set out to have some fun. I don’t recall anything that was ever damaged. But picnic tables, park benches, farm equipment from the local implement dealer would be moved out on to Fertile’s main street.
One year a family who lived above the locker their family ran, told their two high school aged boys, they were to stay home. Not go out. The twosome were pretty aware of the world around them. Not naughty; just busy. As the rest of us were running around pulling our pranks, the street lights in town would go off for a bit and then they would come back on.
What was the problem? The adults that were investigating found that the younger boy of the twosome knew where the light sensor was for the city street lights. From his upstairs bedroom window, he was shining a flashlight onto the sensor causing the lights to go out. And back on when he shut off his light! All without leaving home!!
First of November. A good month to praise God and be thankful:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creatures here below

Praise Him above Ye heavenly hosts

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.



Familiar Doxology.-
definition - (an expression of praise to God;
short hymn sung as part of a Christian worship service.')

