Today is Thursday, November 11th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4569
Working on my Sunday School lesson for Sunday, here is our memory verse for the week:
"But you are a chosen people,
a royal priesthood,
a holy nation,
God's special possession,
that you may declare the praises of Him
who called you out of darkness
into His wonderful light."
~ ! Peter 2:9
Sometimes I forget who I am, who you are when:
a couple of friends remain hospitalized;
another long-term friend moves away;
COVID surrounds us;
there is inhumanity to people here and around the world;
items in the grocery store and other places with prices going up;
and other stuff!
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."
the Bible says in Matthew 11:28 NIV
Dear Father, thank You that You are our Heavenly Father. You knew we were going to need You, need help! Heal us! Direct us! Show us Your way! We can walk on water, if we keep our eyes on You! We praise You. You give us a future and a hope! In Jesus' Name. Amen.