Today is Friday, December 3rd, 2021; Karen's Korner #4585
His Name Is Wonderful
-- Taken from 'This Christmas Night'
written by Billy Graham
and printed in Decision magazine in the late 1990s
"Five awe-inspiring names of our Lord Jesus encourage us, thrill us, and fill us with hope this Christmas season.
1. Jesus is called wonderful.
"He was wonderful in His life. He mingled with sinners, yet was sinless. He associated with publicans and sinners but never partook of their sins. His enemies could find not one flaw in His character; He was without reproach.
"Jesus was also wonderful in His death, the fitting climax to His selfless living. He lived for others. He died for others.
2. Jesus is called Counselor.
"If ever the world needed the counsel of Christ, it does today. Thousands of people everywhere in this world who have accepted Christ, the Divine Advocate, have found the Solution to their baffling problems.
3. Jesus is called The Mighty God.
"When the wrongs of the world needed righting and a fallen race needed redemption, God did not send His heavenly angelic armies to accomplish His majestic purpose; He sent a tiny, tender, helpless Babe in the Person of His Son. Jesus is the God-Man.
4. Jesus is called The Everlasting Father.
"He had no beginning and He has no end. When Jesus was born of a virgin, that was not His beginning, it was His incarnation. He is the designer of the entire universe. 'Before Abraham was, I am,' He said. (John 8:58).
5. Jesus is called The Prince of Peace.
"We cannot have peace in our hearts apart from our relationship with Jesus Christ. He will give His peace to us this Christmas if we put our trust and our faith in Him."