Today is Saturday, December 18th, 2021; Karen's Korner #4595

God's timetable and ours aren't the same. If we think something needs to be done, we think 'sooner rather than later'.

Not God! He knew from the beginning of time that we were going to need to be rescued from ourselves. And He knew how he was going to do it.

He was going to send His own Son to the world, to live, show us the way, and then be crucified as a sacrifice for our erroneous ways, if we would be accept that sacrifice.

Both Micah and Isaiah foretold of Jesus/ coming 700 years before He actually got here!

When the time came, the Holy Spirit (Luke 1) planted a seed in Mary's womb that would cause the virgin girl, to give birth to His Son (her son). There goes another nine months.

Then he has to grow up to be a man. Add on another 30 years! (Luke 2).

If we needed a Savoir, wasn't there a faster way? Maybe in our human minds. But God's mind and plans are always so different from ours. Have you noticed?

And His plans are always good and can be counted on! Maybe that is why waiting, patience, and faith are big virtues of His!

Thank You, God, that You are God! And we are not! The way that You pour out Your Love on us is amazing. Amazing Grace! As our Sunday School lesson said a couple of weeks ago, 'You delight in showing steadfast love to sinners!' Us! Thank You for the Son which You gave to all of us! Amen!
