Today is Monday, May 23rd, 2022; Karen's Korner #4666

Just received this Max Lucado writing in my computer's inbox this morning. Especially for someone who has a new medical diagnosis or is weathering an untimely job loss. Or anything else that might come our way:

Epiphany of Hope

"On April 21, 2008, Katherine Wolf suffered a massive stroke. She lost her ability to walk, talk clearly, and care for herself. She went from being a California model to a wheelchair-bound patient. God stepped in. In her wonderful book, Hope Heals, she writes, 'I felt a deep awakening of the Word of God, which I had known since I was a little girl…It was my epiphany of hope! I would never lose heart in this situation because my soul was not what was wasting away.'

"Don’t try to weather this storm alone my friend. He is still the great I AM. The next time you pray, Is anyone coming to help me? listen for the response of Jesus: I AM with you in the storm. And remember my friend, you are never alone."

