Today is Monday, July 11th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4701

"Jesus heals the blind and mute" is the sub-heading from Matthew 9:27 - 34. Verse  30 says, "And suddenly they could see! Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about it....."

Why would He not want others to know about something so wonderful? My Bible commentary on the verse says, "Jesus told the people to keep quiet about His healings because His purpose was not to be known only as a miracle worker. He healed because He had compassion on people, but He also wanted to bring spiritual healing to a sin-sick world."

There is healing outside of 'physical'. There is also mental, emotional, and spiritual. While Jesus can heal us every way, His main purpose in coming was our spiritual healing. He wanted everyone to come to Him for 'healing' that would lead us to his 'forever' home. Heaven!

Thank You, Jesus, that You always see a bigger picture than we do. Help us. Heal us. Lead us. Guide us. We want to know You in every area of our lives. In Your Name we pray. Amen.
