Chad Chapman in his communion meditation
at Sunday's worship service, took us into his adventure of owning a first
car or two. Sometimes 'used' is a pretty open word; 'really used' could
be used to describe some of our first vehicles
Chapman told us that his vehicle needing alignment, but lacked extra
funds while in college. He asked, "Have you ever been out of
alignment? Not that kind that needs a chiropractor. The kind where we
feel like everything is going wrong. Messing up all the time."
"Have we gotten off of God's true and trusted path?" he asked.
"We need the help of God with our own realignment. Who else
would we go to?" The best part - we return to the Person who aligned
us when we were brand new - new parts - no charge. God designed us, He is
the ultimate mechanic.
Chapman concluded, "The book of Joel 2:13 says, 'Return to the
Lord your God. For He is gracious and compassionate. Slow to anger,
abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil.' The verse tells
us that no matter how far we swerve from His path, He is always right
there with love, slow to anger, compassionate and relenting of evil. We
need Him, the ultimate mechanic, free of charge. We just have to accept