Not many would disagree that the world is a messy place. And there are lots of things going on which we don't like or maybe understand.
In Dr. David Jeremiah's book "The World of The End", he tells that the world; our world has never been what we all hope that it would be.
"Jesus warned that dissention would increase and that global warfare would envelop humanity in mounting measure. He told his disciples on the Mount of Olives, 'You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom ' (Matthew 24:6 - 7).
"According to an article in the New Your Times, the world has been at peace for only 268 of the past 3,400 years. In other words, only 8 percent of our history has been peaceful. No one knows how many people have perished in times of war. The Times speculated at least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century alone. Some experts believe a billion people have lost their lives during all the military conflicts that have pockmarked history like bomb craters."
Dear God, we don't like what we see, hear, or what is happening to us. We plead for your protection and for the protection of the people who we know and love. We would really like for You to change it. But if that is not your plan, we ask that You would walk with us through times we don't care much about. We thank You in advance for what You have done, are doing, and will do with and for us in the future. In Jesus' Name. Amen.