Today is Tuesday, November 29th, 2022; Karen's Korner #4797
Thursday - Thanksgiving Day. Friday - Black Friday. Cyber Monday - Monday. Giving Tuesday - Tuesday - today!!
Remember the words of the Lord Jesus,
"It is more blessed to give than receiver."
~ Acts 20:35 LAB
So today might be a good day to bless someone with a gift. It might be a person, a family, a non-profit outreach group.
It might be a gift of money. A gift wrapped package. A note, letter, or card. It could be an email or a text message.
Let's do it!!
And remember in order to be a blessing by being a gift willing to be a gracious and thankful 'gift receiver'!
Thank You, God, for being the greatest-giver known to the world! We are blessed! Help us to bless others. Today and every day! Amen.