Today is Thursday, March 23rd, 2023; Karen's Korner #4867

Okay after I typed yesterday's, Karen; Korner and I was going to record it, I found I had chosen on different than I intended. So here goes the one I thought I was going to do.

"Unless the Lord builds ahouse, the builders; work is useless. Unless the Lord protects a city, sentries do no good. It is sensless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, fearing you will starve to death; for God wants his loved ones to get their propoer rest."

~ Psalm 127: 1 & 2 LAB

Bible Commentary:  "Families establish homes and sentries guard a city, but both of these activities are futile unless God is with them. A family without God can never experience the spiritual bond God brings to relationships. A city without God will crumble from evil and corruption on the inside. Don't make the mistake of leving God out of  our lives,--- if we do, it will be lived in vain. We need to make God our highest priority and let Him do the building.

