Today is Saturday, March 25th, 2023; Karen's Korner #4868
As we get nearer to Palm Sunday and Easter, here are a few last words by Jesus to those around Him.
"but when I, the Messiah, shall come in my glory, and all the angels with me, then I shall sit upon my throne of glory. And I will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and place the sheep at my right hand, and the goats at my left."
~ Matthew 25:31 - 33 LAB
Bible Commentary: ""The parable describes acts of mercy we all can do every day. These acts are not dependent on wealth, ability, or intellignce, they are simple acts freely given and freely received. We have no excuse to neglect those who have deep needs, and we cannot hand over the responsibility to the church or government. Jesus demands personal involvement in caring for other's needs"