Today is Monday, July 3rd, 2023; Karen's Korner #4901
Duane Wilson chose this reading for our communion meditation at church yesterday. It was written by Jerry Starling; Duane added a few edits, as have i:
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then,
and do not let yourselves be
burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
~ Galatians 5:1
"Two hundred forty-seven years ago, the Fathers of this country signed the Declaration of Independence from England. They determined to 'live free or die.'
"Two millinea ago, Jesus said that if you will continue in His word, you will 'know the truth, and the truth will set you free' (John 8:32).
Political freedom is one thing; freedom is Jesus is something else, even though we sometimes get the two confused.
"Jesus sets us free from the power, the penalty, and -- to the extent we truly follow Him -- even the practice of sin.
"His life, death, and resurrection give the ultimate Truth. He Himself is the Truth that sets us free, Without Him, we would still be in slavery to our lusts and selfish desires.
"Therefore, Paul said, I should not allow myself to be yoked with slavery.
"What can enslave us? It could be law, as in the context of Galatians chapter 4. It could be inner-heart passions. It could be traditions and opinions. It could be addictive substances or behavior. It, in short, could be anything that makes us committed to something other than Jesus."
"We need to renew our pledge of loyalty to Jesus and to Jesus alone. We need to truly listen to His Word so we can walk in it -- and be free."