Today is Wednesday, October 11th, 2023; Karen's Korner #4973

Number 68 of  "100 Things God Loves About You" by Tama Fortner:


"Jesus called the children
to him and said, 'Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of God
belongs to such as these.'"

~ Luke 18: 16

"Rainbows still stop you in your tracks. Splashing through mud puddles is your secret delight. And, let's be honest, there are few things more wonderful than a chocolate chip cookie dunked into ice cold milk. No matter your age, there's always that part of you that never quite completely grows up. The part that giggles at knock-knock jokes and is still amazed by the endless, everyday miracles of life.

"It's okay, you know. There's no need to completely grow up. Jesus is delighted by little children, and He's delighted by the child in you. So go ahead....dunk that cookie... and, yeah, lick the spoon too."

