Last Friday, a group of us gals met at a
local restaurant for a birthday breakfast of a friend.
Our waitress was wearing a new t-shirt with pretty big letters on the
front saying "I AM A WINNER". In smaller letters at the top
of back of her shirt, it said, "Iowa Lottery".
She is a winner a few drawings ago from Power Ball. She had picked 4
numbers and the Power Ball to win $50,000. She said she had gotten the money, the
shirt, and a few other prizes for her 'nearly perfect' guess.
Made me think that as Christians, we should all wear shirts that say "I AM A WINNER"
! John 4:19 says, "We
love because He first loved us!" Each of us is loved
by the Creator of the Universe!
Romans 8:1 says,
"So there is no condemnation to those who belong to Christ
Jesus." Not condemned.
When I told our Sunday School class yesterday, what I was going to write
for Karen's Korner today, one of the class members said, "On the
back of each shirt, it should say,
am a believer in Jesus Christ!"