Today is Monday, March 14th, 2005; Karen's Korner #501

 One of the things Jim and I learned more about, and met, were some of the aboriginal people in Australia. The native aborigines are a very dark-skinned, nomadic people who lived in tribes and wandered the bush (rural) country of the continent.
Somethings our tour group learned were from the people themselves, our guides, and a book that I read while we traveled.
The native aboriginees (many of them today live in rural communities and receive money monthly from the Australian government) didn't have clocks or calendars; didn't celebrate holidays or their annual birthdays. Their belief was, "Why celebrate getting older? We have done nothing to make it happen!"
They believed, instead, it was better to celebrate acknowledging a person's talent or contribution to their community. The question should be asked, "Am I wiser today than I was a year ago? What has life taught me that can be taken to another realm of existence?"
Every year, each member of the aboriginal tribe does celebrate that new level of growth or learning.....from life experiences, from some other older and wiser person, or from God (I don't know if that is "God" or "god", small "g") and His hand in nature.Who requests the celebration be held? That person for whom the celebration is to be given!! .... as they become more and more aware of that new level of growth.
As I learned from this Austrailian heritage, I thought, "Do I celebrate my life? What I am learning? How I am contributing? Am I wiser today than I was last year? Am I allowing God to teach me more? And am I taking what I am learning from Him and from my friends and sharing it with others? Would I ever get around to celebrating in 2005? Or would I think I am coming up short?"
I think God would like all of us to learn, to grow, and to celebrate the difference He is making in each one of our might be one of those days to celebrate!!
