Today is Friday, December 1st, 2023; Karen's Korner #5010

Today's entry from "365 Days of Prayer for Women" by Stephanie Sample:


"How blessed is the man (woman) who finds wisdom.
And the man (woman) who gains understanding."

~ Proverbs 3:13 NASB

"Father, you say wisdom matters most. I need help understanding how a clear and level head is more valuable than wealth, health, or meaningful work. I don't want to be like a child who wants to live on birthday cake and candy. Help me seethe value of something so intangible and hard to obtain. I want to be mature in the things of heaven. Make me wise enough to understand, God. Then I'll be able to order my priorities as you would. Make me wise enough to choose love over success, spiritual health over physical wellness, and treasure in heaven over possessions on earth. Make me wise enough to seek wisdom first."
"Are we seeking wisdom from God first?"

