Today is Friday, January 5th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5030
There probably isn't anyone who hasn't heard about the tragic school shooting in Perry yesterday morning. As I read these couple verse in the Bible today, I couldn't help but think about this young 17 year old. There is a lot i don't know about his situation, nor maybe never will.
Same thoughts I have about us. Whether God answers our prayers the way we hope or not, something happens to us when we pray.
"No one gives me a passing thought.
No one will help me;
no one cares a bit what happens to me.
Then I prayed to Jehovah,
I pled.
'You are my only place of refuge.
Only you can keep me safe."
~ Psalm 142:4 & 5 LAB
Bible Commentary: "Have you ever felt that no one cared what happened to you? David (writer) had good reason to feel that way and wrote, 'Then I prayed.' Through prayer we can pull out of our tailspin and be reminded that God cares for us deeply."