Today is Friday, March 18th, 2005; Karen's Korner #505

A couple of weeks ago when we got home from our extended trip to Australia and New Zealand, I looked around our house about 24 hours after we arrived. What a mess!!
The kitchen table was level full of toiletries that needed to put back in their proper place. There were small bags of things we had picked up and brought back home with us from our vacation. The kitchen sink was starting to fill up with used dishes.
Green plants, which our neighbor had watered for us while we were gone, were still conglomerated together in and around our dining room table. In another corner of that same room was a large box of unsorted mail from about a month!
The suitcases were partially unpacked and the laundry pile was growing higher!
I thought, "How can we make such a mess in only 24 hours? This place stayed neat for the past month! Now look at it!!"
My next thought was, "But there was no life here during the month of February! THIS is what life looks like!!"
No life; no mess!
So if we are running to pick up family members from their latest activities, changing one more diaper, hoping to make a bigger impact on a family member of friend, or wondering when we will ever be able to catch up on the latest magazine or novel, maybe we need to think about God when He tells us, "I have come that you might have life more abundantly! (John 10:10).
Instead of attempting to quickly unscramble the maze, I took a second look at it and thanked God for the new life we were experiencing of once again being back home...and began brushing some toast crumbs off our kitchen counter.
THIS is what LIFE looks like!!
