Today is Monday, February 12th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5056
Is the mention of God and His Kingdom making a comeback in the public sector? Has attempted His elimination been at our own peril?
More than one person mentioned on news talk shows this morning that several Super Bowl ads focused on Jesus or some aspect of spiritual life.
A weekend ago I had the privilege to attend ISU's high school honor bands, entertaining at CY Stephens Auditorium in Ames, as a guest of our 'bonus" granddaughter. There were more than 200 musicians.
There were two honor bands - Gold and Cardinal. Both bands played five selections. Each one had a different guest conductor, featured from out of state colleges. One of the selections for each one was a familiar hymn. As every song was introduced, conductors told the listening crowd, some background of the writer and the reason for the writings.
Gold played "Amazing Grace".
Cardinal played "It is Well With My Soul".
By John Newton, 1779
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me?
I once was lost,
but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
by Horatio C. Spafford, 1873
"When peace, like a river,
attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll,
whatever my lot,
thou hast taught me to say,
It is well,
it is well with my soul."