Today is Monday, March 25th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5086

It's amazing how the masses went from praising Jesus to wanting to crucify Him in a week! Isn't human nature wonderful?

"Then Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, went to the chief priests to arrange to betray Jesus to them.

"When the chief priests heard why he had come, they were exited and happy and promised him a reward. So he began looking for the right time and place to betray Jesus."

~ Mark 14:10 & 11 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Why would Judas want to betray Jesus? Judas, like the other disciples, expected Jesus to start a political rebellion and overthrow Rome. As treasurer, Judas certainly assumed (as did the other disciples) that he would be given an important position in Jesus' new government. But when Jesus praised Mary for pouring out the perfume, thought to be worth half a year's salary, Judas finally realized that Jesus' kingdom was not physical or political, but spiritual. Judas' greedy desire for money and status could not be realized if he followed Jesus, so he betrayed Him in exchange for money and favor from the religious leaders."

