Today is Friday, April 5th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5095

We have just finished the week since Easter when 'love' for us was most evident in Jesus' life, death, burial, and resurrection.

We are stuck with the reality that He loves us. And I have no idea why!!

Another entry from "100 Things God Loves About You" written by Tama Fortner. Number 81:


"Here I am! I stand at the door
and knock. If anyone hears my
voice and opens the door, I 
will come in and eat with that
person, and they with me."

~ Revelation 3:20

"He stands. He knocks. He waits. But opening the door? That's up to you. Because He will never push it open or break it down. He will never threaten or shout. He will simply knock and wait for you to answer, for you to invite Him in.

"And when you do choose to open that door, the angels in heaven rejoice and your Savior smiles! For one of God's greatest joys is when you open the door."

