Today is Monday, April 8th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5096
"It is good to say,
'Thank You'
to the Lord,
to sing praises to the God
who is above all gods.
'"Every morning tell Him,
'Thank You for Your kindness.'
and every evening rejoice
in all His faithfulness.
'You have done so much for me,
O Lord.
No wonder I am glad! I sing for joy.'
"O Lord, what miracles You do!
And how deep are Your thoughts!"
~ Psalm 92:1,2,4,5 LAB
Bible Commentary: "During the Thanksgiving holiday, we focus on our blessings and express our gratitude to God for them. But thanks should be on our lips daily. We can never say thank you enough to parents, friends, leaders, and especially to God. When thanksgiving becomes an integral part of our lives, we will find that our attitude toward life will change. We will become more positive, gracious, loving, and humble."