Today is Monday, April 22nd, 2024; Karen's Korner #5106

I am wading my way through Revelation. Do I understand it all? No! But I am getting a bit more of it.

There is a graphic in amongst the reading "The Beginning and The End. The beginning to end - from the fall into sin to the redemption of Christ and God's ultimate victory over evil....."

Genesis vs. Revelation

The sun is created vs The sun is not needed

Satan is victorious vs Satan is defeated

Sin enters the human race vs Sin is banished

People run and hide from God vs Peope are invited to live with God forever

People are cursed vs The curse is removed

Tears are shed, with sorrow for sin vs No more sin, no more tears  or sorrow

The Garden and earth are cursed vs God's city is glorified, the earth is made new

The fruit from the Tree of Life is not to be eaten vs God's peopple may eat from the Tree of Life

Paradise is lost vs Paradise is regained

People are doomed to death vs Death is defeated, believers live forever with God"

Have we made our reservations?
