Today is Friday, May 3rd, 2024; Karen's Korner #5115
Today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me!
If you are celebrating today too. Or near May 3, here is a Bible verse for you.......and me:
"Even in old age
they will still produce fruit
and be vital
and green.
This honors the Lord,
and exhibits His faithful care.
He is my shelter.
there is nothing
but goodness in Him!"
~ Psalm 92:14 & 15 LAB
Bible Commentary: "Honoring Gog is not limited to young people who are still blessed with physical strength and vitality. Even in old age, devoted believers can produce spiritual fruit. There are many faithful older people who have much to share and teach from a lifetime of living for God. Seek out an elderly friend or relative to tell you about life experiences with the Lord and challenge you to new heights of spiritual living."
help me, help us,
to share You with others!
And help us as we grow older,
to still listen to those who are
older and wiser than we are!