Today is Wednesday, June 12th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5143
Yesterday's (June 11) entry from '365 Days of Prayer for Women' by Stephanie Sample:
"Behold, I will bring to it health, and healing,
and I will heal them and reveal
to them abundance of prosperity and security."
~ Jeremiah 13:6 ESV
"God, you are security. When I place my hope in the things of this world: money, achievement, acceptance, and health, I am bound to insecurity. None of those things---or in all this world---are guaranteed. Nothing lasts. There is no security, except in the one who never changes, the one who cannot fail, the one who is love itself. Let my health be in my soul, my achievement be for your kingdom, my acceptance be at your table, and my riches be treasures in heaven. I'm placing all my hope in you, that it may be secure.
"Have we placed all our security in God?'