Today is Thursday, June 27th, 2024; Karen's Korner #5154

I spent some time the last couple of days hoeing and pulling weeds out of the flowers coming up the sidewalk at my house.

It looks pretty nice now. Oops, I have spotted a few weeds which I missed. I'd like to think the gardens are perfect now. Nope, but I probably have one weed left for every hundred that was there originally!

Sort of like my life, our lives. We would like to live them perfectly. Not possible in this life. But do we focus on our flowers or on the occasional weed or so?

We need to give God everything. The things we like and the things we don't. And get to work and enjoy it all!

"Nothing is perfect except Your Words.
Oh, how I love them.
I think about them all day long."

~ Psalm 119:96 LAB
