Today is Thursday, August 22nd, 2024; Karen's Korner #5189

As Jesus was making His final journey before His crucifixion, He prayed for His disciples. Here is a portion of His prayer:

"My plea is not for the world
but for those You have given Me
because they belong to You. 
And all of them, since they are Mine,
belong to You;
and You have given them back to Me
with everything else of Yours,
and so they are My glory!"

~ John 17: 9 &  10 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Jesus said that His disciples are His glory. What a fantastic truth, that Jesus glories in us and that our lives can bring Him joy. Are we living in a way that brings Him Joy? Does He glory in us?"

I had marked in the margin of my Bible on
July 14, 2005:

What Jesus thinks about us!"
