Today is Monday, January 13th, 2025; Karen's Korner #5286

Your assignment for the day: Read the 23rd Psalm.

Our Sunday School class is embarking on a short study by Louie Giglio; "Don't Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table".

This is our opening:

"Psalm 23 is a a personal confession
of love and gratitude
from one human soul to God.
It is a portrait of a God
who is astonishingly intimate,
kind, protective and generous with us.
The message it offers,
the golden key it holds out to us is this: 
We are invited to live securely
in God's love and care for us.
We are sheep---
not very strong, not very wise,
very much in need of help and guidance.
God is a good Shepherd.
God tends to us,
cares for us,
plans for us,
provides for us,
protects us,
guides us
and stays close to us.
In life and in death
we can come to know that all is well
because God, our good Shepherd,
 is with us.
Our part is to remember
who we are and who God is.
Our part is to rest in God' unfailing love,
to follow God's faithful guidance
and to allow ourselves
to receive our good Shepherd's
personal care for us.

"The meaning, purpose and satisfaction
we search for in life
does not come from striving
or proving ourselves
or working hard to please others or God.
The simple secret explored in this psalm
is that life becomes
rich, full and deeply satisfying
when we rest in God's unfailing love."

