Today is Friday, July 1st, 2005; Karen's Korner #580
Some of the gals at our church choose to be in a "Secret Sister" group annually. On Tuesday night, we learned who our "sis" for the year has been and drew for a "new sister" for the upcoming year.
I learned that mine had been Jennifer Lockwood. As part of the "unveiling", I received a couple of paperback books which Jennifer thought "could make good Karen's Korners in the future". I have read portions of one of the books in the past few days and she is right.
Here are few exerpts of "LIght for My Path for Grandparents"; if you aren't in the grandparents category, look over the shoulders of those of us who are........the words are just as meaningful. Each of the chapters has a one word title followed by several thoughts, Bible verses, prayers, etc.:
As grandparents, we stand at a point in our lives where we can look back and see clearly the many blessings God has given us down through the yeras. God has richly blessed us and our families and He will continue to bless us, now and forever.
"Our prayers should be for blesssings in general, for God know best what is good for us."
-- Socrates
"Heavenly Father,
You have abundantly blessed me.
Thank You for my precious children and grandchildren.
Make me a blessing in their lives,
as well as in the lives of everyone with whom I come in contact.
Although I'm thankful for my material possessions
You've given me,
I'm most grateful for the treasure of my family--
the only blessings that I can take to heaven with me.
As grandparents, many of us have retired from the careers that once filled so much of our lives. Those porfessional goals that once seemend important have now dropped away. But one goal is still with us, a spiritual goal that will continue to affect the choices we make: we are called to live our lives like Christ lived His.
"Dear God,
I want my life to mirror You.
I'm grateful for the new life I have in You.
Fill me with Your Spirit daily,
so that I may be an effective witness of Your Lofe.
Life can be filled with troubles. We worry about our families, our children and grandchildren. We worry about our health. We worry about stretching our income to meet our financial needs. Yet how blessed we are to have a God big enough to handle all our worries! If we only allow Him, He will not fail to comfort our feartul hearts--and then we will be able to pass this holy comfort on to those around us.
"All you really need is the One who promised never to leave or forsake you--
the One who said,
"Lo, I am with you always."
-- Joni Eareckson Tada
I come to You for comfort.
Even my closest friends disappoint me at times,
but You will never fail me.
You are my dearest Friend,
and I ask that You comfort (and them!) now.