(Back after part of a week of driving across the bottom 1/3 of Iowa. Eating every two hours whether we were hungry or not; meeting up with friends and family along the way........it was a great way to spend a few days!!)
Short thoughts in my file; things I have seen and enjoyed or items which others have shared:
I do beseech you to direct your efforts more to
preparing youth for the path and less to preparing
the path for the youth.
--Ben Lindsey
A baby is an angel whose wings decrease
as his legs increase.
--French Proverb
"Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which
you will be." -- Harvey Mackey
The main dangers in this life are the people who
want to change everything - or nothing.
--Lady Astor
A small boy stunned his parents when he began to empty his pockets of
nickels, dimes and quarters.
Finally his mother said, "Where did you get all that money?"
"At Sunday school," the boy replied nonchalantly. "They have bowls of it."