Today is Wednesday, January 4th, 2006; Karen's Korner #708

On the front page of the first Des Moines Register of the new year were the photos of about nine people who were turning sixty in 2006. "The first of the baby boomers", the headlines said. President Bush, Cher, Bill Clinton were three of them.
I join that group this year! And since there are lot of us in that age category spread of more than a decade, I am sure that we are going to hear a lot more about aging in the media in the future.
Several years ago a New York Times best seller was titled "tuesdays with Morrie".  It was written by Mitch Albom who was a college student of Morrie, a professor of sociology.
Morrie was Mitch's favorite college professor, but life had a way of separating the two over the years. Until Mitch learned of Morrie's impending death due to Lou Gehrig's disease. For fourteen Tuesdays, Mitch would fly to Morrie's bedside to learn some other truth according to Morrie, as the elder man was learning more of life's lessons which he was being taught.
Morrie told his younger charge a story he had once heard:
"There was a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand old time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air -- until he noticed the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore. '
'This is terrible!'  the wave says, 'Look what's going to happen to me!'
Along comes another wave. It sees the first wave, looking grim and it says to him, 'Why do you look so sad?'
The first wave says, 'You don't understand! We're all going to crash!! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?'
The second wave says, 'No, you don't understand. You've not just a wave, you're part of the ocean!!'"
