Today is Monday, January 9th, 2006; Karen's Korner #711
Luke 8:1 - 3 -- "...He (Jesus) began a tour of the cities and villages of Galilee to announce the coming of the Kingdom of God, and took his twelve disciples with him. Some women went along, from whom he had cast out demons or whom he had healed; among them were Mary Magdalene....Joanna.......Susanna, and many others, who were contributing from their private means to the support of Jesus and his disciples."
Commentary -- "Jesus raised women from degradation and servitute to fellowship and service. In Jewish culture, women were not supposed to learn from rabbis. By allowing these women to travel with him, Jesus was showing that all people are equal under God. These women supported Jesus' minstry with their own money. They owed a great debt to him, for he had cast demons out of some and had healed others."
Karen's Comment - Jesus had a better place for women in His kingdom than the culture allowed at the time. And He continues the practice in to today. Man or woman, adult or child, all of us are very special to Jesus, His work, and His kingdom.