Today is Friday, January 13th, 2006; Karen's Korner #715
I shared this memory with a friend several days ago and decided to share it with you today.
It was 1976 that Jim learned he was needing heart bypass surgery. He was just turning 37; I was still 30. Jamie and Merry were 5 and 3 respectively. The surgery wasn't as commom or as refined as it is today.
His first report was that he wouldn't be a candidate for the needed surgery. The news was devasting, as we attempted to sort out our future.
At the time I was reading through the Psalms. When times like that hit, I devour what the Bible might have to say. I was reading Psalms 49 and then 50, turning the page of the latter chapter; there was a verse (#15), in italics:
"I want you to trust me in your times of trouble;
so I can rescue you.
And you can give me glory."
That was all I needed to set my heart to singing. God wanted us to trust Him. We were going to be rescued. God would get the glory.
Doing a literal jig to see Jim in the hospital, I told him what I had read. Jim agreed we had no choice but to trust God. God would take care of us. We still didn't know the "how" we were going to be taken care of. God always has lots of choices. Our requirement was to have faith in Him; trust Him.
A couple of days later the cardiac chief of staff reviewed Jim's tests one more time and asked Jim's permission to try the surgery, not promising any positive outcomes. The surgery was scheduled one month later.
As they say, the rest is history! We have had other heart surgeries, hospitalizations, doctors, and medicines. But at the end of 2006, we will celebrate 30 years of rescue.
I just did a fast multiplication. That has been a few more than 10,600 days to date of rescue of Jim's life. And opportunities to give God glory!!