Today is Thursday, March 9th, 2006; Karen's Korner #754

As part of the Lenten season, our church family is learning about "Seeing the Unseen Christ". We have opportunities in Sunday School classes, our church sermons, individual journals, and small group discussions throughout the week.
Last Sunday's and this week's topic is "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love". Lots of stuff in the chapter in our books by David Mains, but our small group discussion on Sunday night centered on loving those in our lives who aren't so lovable, which Christians are asked to do. As our group shared, each one of us had someone in our lives who was "difficult"....someone in the work place, maybe a family member.
Names weren't given. Sometimes the difficult person was difficult to lots of people. We shared what we were or weren't doing about our situtations.
I'll confess. I have one, maybe more than one. And I have failed. But I am learning a new perspective. Sometimes we try to "fix it". Sometimes we try to talk it away or wish it away. As Christians, sometimes we pray and ask God to 'fix it'. Maybe, just maybe, all we are supposed to do is to pray..........for that other person and for ourselves. And allow God to fix it His Way.
We may or may not see the results. Maybe that person is in our life for only that reason:  to pray for them. We just couldn't see the golden opportunity!
"Thank You, Father God, for putting ________________ into my life. I bring her/him before You right now. Shine Your light on them; as you have on me. Help me not to be glad/sad/mad about our relationship. I can't fix it, but I can pray for ______________. He/she needs You today, just like I need You. Help me not to whine when I think of him/her. Bless them. In the Name of Your Son who should have brought judgement to our world but brought love instead. Amen."
