I was reading in Romans about Paul making a journey to Rome to meet with the people there. A letter he wrote to them in advance, Chapter 1, verses 11 and 12 says, "For I long to visit you so that I can impart to you the faith that will help your church grow strong in the Lord. Then, too, I need your help, for I want not only to share my faith with you but to be encouraged by yours. Each of us will be a blessing to the other."
In my little notes at the bottom of the page talking about these verses say: "Paul prayed for the chance to visit these Christians so that he could encourage them and be encouraged by them.......When Christians gather, everyone should give and receive!"
Ever notice how some people appear to be "givers"; they give and give and give? While others appear to be "takers", they sort of sit and wait for more stuff to come their way?. Maybe we are all supposed to be both.....giving and receiving all of the time. Looking for some kind of collective balance.
Next time we go to church, Sunday School, a small group meeting, maybe we should ask God ahead of time to show us how we can give (might be a gift or note, but might be an opportunity for a kind word, etc.) and ask Him to show us what it is He wants us to receive!
I wonder if all we do is receive or all we do is give, it might cause us to become tired, discouraged, or disappointed. But if we have the balance, we will be encouraged and energized.