Today is Friday, April 14th, 2006; Karen's Korner #780
It's Good Friday and I don't have to go to a church service if I don't want to!
And I don't have to read the Bible, or pray, or help a friend in need!
Nobody can make me go to church on Easter or any other day for that matter!
I don't have to say nice things, do nice things, or think nice things about anyone else,
God doesn't make me!
He doesn't tell me I have to do anything!!
He only asks!
Would I accept Him and what His Son did for me on the cross?
Will I worship Him?
Will I serve Him?
Will I serve others?
Will I praise Him, praise others?
My "yes" answers, He blesses and, in turn, blesses me.
My "no" answers, He understands and loves me anyway.
I miss out and lose God's best!
But the choice is always mine!!
Never commanded or demanded.
Only asked!
~~ Karen Weld