The Pilot Car
John 12:26:
"Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.
My Father will honor the one who serves me."
There you are stuck in construction traffic. You are late to wherever you are going, so this is not amusing to you. Finally, traffic is moving toward you and a beat up Chevy Luv swings around and sits at the front of your line. On the roof of the Luv there is a sign that reads: PILOT CAR FOLLOW ME.
Without hesitation, you creep your way behind the pilot car. As hard as it is not to speed up and try to get around the pilot car you know it is there for your safety and the road crew’s safety. The pilot car gives direction…it keeps you on the safest path. It gets you unharmed to your designation.
God’s Word is our Pilot Car. Yet, why is it when we finally find time to read His Word, we manage to speed up and pass the pilot car and find something else to do? We trade off reading the Word for that Cosmo magazine that we just spent $4.00 on, or playing “just one more hand” of Internet Euchre, or worse yet watching a mindless trashy video just to “zone out” at the end of a hectic day.
Don’t you know that the Bible is our safety net? It directs us on the safe and narrow path that leads to the Shepard’s gate. The Pilot Car was put in place because it knows the hazards on the road we drive. It is meant to direct us to that gate safely.
Matthew 7:14:
“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. “
"Glorious Father in Heaven, thank you for sending us the “Pilot Car” that will lead us to Your Kingdom. I pray that everyone who skimmed over this devotion felt a twinge to put down that Harlequin Romance and pick up Your love letter instead. I pray that the Holy Spirit that lives in each of us enlightens us to the mysteries of Your Word. I pray that no one gets detoured on the wide path of this world because it will sadden You and we have saddened You too many times since You created us. You deserve to receive the Glory that was meant for only You. I pray this with a bowed head in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen"