Today is Thursday, May 18th, 2006; Karen's Korner #804

It was a week ago today that we lost a long-time friend, Lois Bernhardt. Lois wasn't shot down in her prime. She was 86, but that doesn't make the loss any simplier.
I liked the story the minister told at her funeral. Lois lost her dad when she was seven years old, so her memories of him are limited. He retold how Lois could recall as a small child walking outside one time in the winter and she was so cold from her surrounding elements. Her dad picked her up and buttoned her inside of his warm, fur coat. Lois couldn't recall looking up at his face. Instead she looked out at the world; feeling the warmth and closeness of her dad who, obviously loved her and wanted so much to take good care of her.
The minister likened Lois' story to our Heavenly Father and how sometimes life gives us a chill and we might become frightened by our circumstances or life situation. God gently picks us up and holds us to His Chest so we can feel His warm embrace and the warmth of His Heavenly Body next to ours. It isn't His Face that is so important, it is our being able to peer out at the world from our new-found comfort zone.
May you feel His Presence with you today; no matter your daily situation.
