Today is Monday, June 12th, 2006; Karen's Korner #821

Something to kick off Fathers' Day week.  Quotes from Dr. James Dobson's "Love for a Lifetime" flip calendar - Part II:
* A happy marriage takes two essential ingredients...
prayer and determination to work at this relationship.
Marriage cannot be put on autopilot.
~ Jack and Carole Mayhall
* We are designed to love God and to love on another.
Deprivation of either function can be devastating.
~ Love for a Lifetime, p. 66
* The philosopy of "me first" has the power to blow our world to pieces,
whether applied to marriage, business, or international politicis.
~ Hide or Seek, p. 184
 * Marriage and all it involves--
including the promise to continually work at the relationship in good times and bad--
is the ultimate in love between two adults.
~ Edward E. Ford
* Be imitators of God,
as beloved children,
and live in love,
as Christ loved us.
~ Ephesians 5:1,2 NRSV
* Even in moments in great conflict and discouragement,
divorce is no solution.
It merely substitutes a new set of miseries
for the ones left behind.
~ Love for a Lifetime, p. 207
* A man-woman relationship outside of marriage doesn't have the commitment of marriage.
It doesn't have the permanence.
It can never achieve the depth that comes from total sharing,
from working together toward comman goals year after year,
from knowing that you're playing the games for keeps.
~ Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale
* You are joined together with peace through the Spirit,
so make every effort to continue together in this way.
~ Ephesians 4:3 NCV
