Today is Friday, June 30th, 2006; Karen's Korner #835
I play a card game on on our computer called "Spider Solitaire". As I was playing the game yesterday, my cards were really stacking up.
"If I could just get a six of hearts," I thought. "I think I could win the game. God, can you get me a six of hearts, so I can win?"
I didn't get a six the next time the cards were dealt out. And I didn't get a six the follwing time either. But I got a seven of spades and I could use it. And I got several others which worked. The first thing I knew all of the lines of cards were falling into place.
I won!
Sometimes when we pray, we tell God what we need, when we need it, and how to go about "winning the game". Sometimes we get things which are different from what we thought. Thank God, He always knows best. Our perspective is always more limited.
Bottom line: As Christians and as His Children, we always win! Even when it sometimes appears otherwise!
Romans 8:28 -
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose."
Prayer: "Thank You, God, that you know more than we do; that You take care of things in different ways than we can imagine; and that You love us so much that You think about everything that matters to us. Thank You that You want us to ask You for many, many things. Thanks, too, that You always give us the best answers. Help me, help others. to ask You for things. And help all of us to believe You for just the right response every time. In Jesus' name, Amen.