Today is Thursday, July 20th, 2006; Karen's Korner #849

Last week a friend related a story of how a couple of men were working outside of her ground-level office window. What they were doing wasn't so distracting. It was what they were saying. Many swear words; using God's name in vain often. More than the friend could stand.
"I told the guys, 'I can stand the swearing, but would you please refrain from using my Lord's name that way?'" she said.
So what happened next?
"They didn't say much of anything after that," my friend said.
She was more concerned with what these two strangers were saying about her Friend, than she was what about what the guys might think of her comments.
Jesus' disciples told Him that they would always be there for Him, never deny Him. Easy to say in the confines of their fellowship group. Jesus knew better what their human natures were like. Peter said he would never deny Him. Jesus said, "tomorrow afternoon before the rooster crows a second time, you will deny me three times" (Mark 14:30).
We are like Peter. We think we will do one thing, while we are in a worship service or with Bible study friends.Chances are pretty good we will do something else - out there in the 'real world'!
Dear Father in Heaven, help us not to deny You. We worship You. We love You. We thank You, Jesus. Amen. 
